Supplies needed:
- sublimatable substrate
- sublimation transfer
- teflon or scratch paper
- spray adhesive (3M75) for 2-sided sublimation
- heat tape for 1-sided sublimation
- soft paper towel (recommended)
Heat press settings for Stainless Steel Bottle Opener:
- temperature - 400 degrees F
- dwell time - 1:00 minute
- pressure - medium
Heat press settings for Stainless Steel Bottle Shaped Bottle Opener:
- temperature - 400 degrees F
- dwell time - 1:15 minute
- pressure - medium
Note: The recommended settings above may need adjustments for best results.
Settings will vary depending on the heat press brand and model ink and paper
and atmospheric conditions.
2nd Note: The layers of soft paper towel achieve two goals: 1. it helps to
distribute the pressure evenly throughout the substrate; 2. it helps to trap
ink that is dispersed outside of the edges of the substrate if there is an
overprint area or full bleed in the artwork.
3rd Note: For best results sublimating both sides it is recommended that
both sides are sublimated at the same time. Use the double-side template to
create the artwork. After Printing fold the transfer in half on the dotted
line and line up the transfer to both sides of the substrate.
Layer the press from the bottom pad to the top heat platen as follows:
1. teflon sheet or scratch paper
2. 2-3 layers of soft paper towel
3. transfer
4. substrate
5. transfer*
6. teflon sheet or scratch paper
*disregard layer 5 if only one side is being sublimated.
1. Lightly spray the transfer using spray adhesive.
2. Align the substrate onto the transfer. If sublimating one side only tape
two ends of the substrate to the transfer using the heat tape.
3. Place the transfers and substrate in the press onto the paper towel -
transfer>substrate>transfer. One-side sublimation - transfer>substrate.
4. Place the teflon sheet or scratch paper over the transfer and substrate.
5. Press the items using the settings listed above.
6. Remove items from the press and transfer from substrate immediately. Use
heat resistant gloves if necessary - the items will be very hot.
- If the image of the final product appears light increase the pressure or
the dwell time slightly (5-15 seconds).
- If the image on the final product appears blurred or substrate appears
yellowed reduce the dwell time slightly (5-15 seconds).
- When sublimating a double-sided substrate sublimate one side allow to
cool and then sublimate the other side. Use a fresh teflon or scratch paper
under the substrate to eliminate any degassing of the first image onto the
press or teflon.